Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Kerosene Heater Safety

Industrial kerosene heaters- 6 models

Kerosene Heater Safety Guidelines

Whether you're renting a kerosene heater for a temporary job or event or own your own, the number one rule when using any heater is to never ever leave it unattended, not even for a few minutes. 

Place your kerosene heater at least three feet from combustible materials or flammable objects like furniture, curtains, large amounts of dust, or combustible fuels. Make sure the area is well ventilated when using a kerosene heater as it generates dangerous amounts of toxic fumes. Failure to follow these and other manufacturer recommended safety precautions could result in asphyxiation or carbon monoxide poisoning.

Danger Kerosene Sign

Only use quality 1-K kerosene fuel that has been properly stored. NEVER USE GASOLINE or any other combustible or low quality fuels

  • Place your kerosene heater in an area that has little to no traffic to prevent accidental knock over.
  • Never move a heater while in use or use it to heat food/water or to dry wet clothing.
  • Keep heaters away from fumes or solvents that are flammable, such as aerosol sprays or lacquers.
  • Do not fuel your heater while it is in operation or still hot from operation.
  • Avoid spilling fuel. If kerosene spills, clean it up immediately.
  • Do not overfill the heater above the designated "full" level.
  • Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide can be emitted from improper use of kerosene heaters. These fumes become toxic in large quantities and put vulnerable individuals at risk, such as pregnant women, asthmatics, people with cardiovascular disease, the elderly, and young children.
  • Signs of toxic fume poisoning include headaches, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue.
  • Keep the room well ventilated with doors and windows slightly open, even if cold outside.
  • Keep the kerosene heater clean.
  • Install carbon monoxide and smoke detectors to alert you to dangerous levels of carbon monoxide and smoke.
  • Keep wicks new and clean to prevent toxic fumes.
As a preventative measure, develop a fire escape plan and make sure all members of your work place understand your plan and can carry it out in case of emergency. Fuel is highly toxic and fumes are ignitable. Always fill the heater outside of the work area.

Torpedo kerosene heater on fire
If a fire occurs, engage the manual shut-off switch. DO NOT TRY TO MOVE IT. If this does not extinguish the fire, use a fire extinguisher or call the local fire department. DO NOT try to extinguish with water or blankets

Always use the manufacturer instructions and practice common senseCold weather can slow down productivity and can even shut down an entire event or job site. At Durante Rentals, we rent, sell and service all types of industrial-strength portable heaters to keep your workers and work environment warm, comfortable and productive. Here is a sampling of the portable heaters we have for rent or sale at Durante Rentals.

Bonus: Check out our video above on How to Light a Kerosene Heater

Call us today for a quick quote: 1-800-DURANTE

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