Wednesday, August 24, 2016

How Many Light Towers Do I Need for my Job?

Portable light towers have a wide range of uses including illuminating sporting events and construction sites and providing security for at-risk areas. Like other equipment, it is important to make sure that you are using the right number and correct type of light towers for your job. Powerful light towers like Durante Rental’s Allmand Night Light Pro 2 can be used individually to illuminate surprisingly large areas. Each Allmand Night Light Pro 2 has four 1,250-watt metal halide bulbs for a total of 5,000 watts of power. The general formula for illumination is 30 watts per square foot, so each light tower can illuminate approximately 166 square feet.

However, there are a number of factors that affect how many light towers you will need. For specific questions please feel free to contact a Durante Rental representative at, but the following are good rules of thumb for determining the number of light towers that are appropriate for your event or job-site.

Light Requirements

If you are planning an event, you should be aware of the light levels you will need. For a touch-football match at a local field, you may only need a minimal amount of illumination for players to clearly see where they are going. In that case you might only need four light towers, illuminating either end of the field. However, if you are planning to run a high school baseball game in a stadium where fans will be watching, you may need superior lighting in dugout and spectator areas, requiring as many as eight or nine towers.


When organizing the lighting for a project or event, be aware of possible obstructions that may affect your lighting solution. A significant obstruction, like a tree or hill in the middle of your work or play area, may require you to add additional lighting sources. Similarly, if you need to light a construction site, you should consider how variables, like the angle of your light to a foundation pit, may affect your need for more lighting.

It is impossible to cover all the possible obstructions here, so always keep in mind that when working with limited light sources that it is important to be aware of how obstructions and shadows can impact your visibility.


The most powerful light towers have on-board diesel generators that allow them to produce an impressive amount of light. However, these generators can produce a significant amount of noise. This is something to consider when operating in residential areas, especially at night. In areas where noise might become a problem, it is recommended that you use Durante Rental’s solar panel light towers. Along with being an environmentally friendly option, these towers can silently light up areas for hours at a time. At only 400 watts, they are less powerful then gas powered options, and you may need to use significantly more towers to illuminate the same area.

The direction in which you aim your light tower is also important. Neighbors may not appreciate aiming your lights directly at their windows and athletes or drivers may complain about lights pointing directly into their eyes. It is sometimes worth sacrificing ideal placement, or renting additional towers in order to make sure that everyone at an event or job-site is comfortable.

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